Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Excercise to stay healthy!

There are many benefits to physical activity. Exercise reduces the risk of developing life-threatening illnesses, such as heart disease. Plus, it makes you feel better!

Exercise can help control high blood pressure and raise “good” cholesterol. Diabetics who exercise may be able to use less insulin. The risk of coronary heart disease will decrease over time with a good fitness program.

When you exercise, you are healthier. Combined with a healthy diet, exercise can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
You will develop a positive mindset. Exercise reduces feelings of depression. Being active also lowers your stress level.

There are many things throughout the day you can’t control. Lots of them will add to your stress. Deciding to exercise is the exact opposite. You are in complete control of this decision and it makes you feel better.

Physical activity increases strength. You will be more flexible. Everyday life is easier if you are fit. Being active now will help you later in life. Exercise reduces the risk of falling.

Most people do not need to speak to their Primary Care Provider (PCP) before starting sensible, gradual fitness program. However, pregnant women, those with health problems, or who are elderly should talk to their PCP first. If you are unsure, talk to your PCP.

Start off slowly. Begin with about 10 minutes of light exercise. Try a brisk walk. Build up the length and intensity of exercise gradually. Work out with a friend. Try new routines over time to keep it fun and fresh.

Make sure you drink water before, during and after exercising. Sodas and other sugary drinks do not provide proper hydration during exercise.

Remain active throughout your day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk all the way or part of the way to work. Rake leaves or work in your garden for a few minutes.  If you have housework to do, do it quickly.

Make it fun! Listen to music. Set goals that you can achieve and then set new ones! Pick something you like to do like dancing or playing soccer. Pick a time of day that works for your schedule and stick to it.

Say yes to exercise today and thank yourself tomorrow!

Source: Illinois Department of Public Health