Thursday, December 19, 2013

Revised Links/Public Health Reporting for Meaningful Use

As you may already know, meaningful use requires the electronic submission of Public Health data. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has adopted a simplified process to enable the submission of immunization data to I-CARE that satisfies meaningful use criteria. Eligible Professionals (EP’s) can now submit Immunization records to I-CARE by sending a Direct Message.
Here  are the 5 simple steps:
1.     Email the Illinois Health Information Exchange (ILHIE) to express your interest in public health reporting through ILHIE Direct.
2.     Register for an ILHIE Direct address (if you do not already have one).
3.     Register with I-CARE.
4.     Register your intent to submit public health data for meaningful use
5.     Send a test message (using your Direct address) to IDPH.
Click the following link for details on completing each step:  
Questions or concerns? Please contact: or call 224-401-6986.
§  ILHIE Direct is a web-based, HIPAA-compliant secure messaging solution. It can also be used to send referrals and transfer of care documents and improve patient care, save time and lower costs. For more information about ILHIE Direct, visit:
§  For more information about Public Health Reporting for Eligible Professionals visit:

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Vaccinate Illinois Week – December 8-14, 2013

Vaccinate Illinois Week is a statewide effort to promote influenza vaccination throughout the influenza season and through the winter months.
The flu vaccine is the best way to protect you, your patients, and your family against this potentially serious disease. Everyone six months of age and older should get a yearly flu vaccine.
While flu activity is currently low in Illinois, public health officials expect activity to increase over the coming weeks as flu activity typically peaks in January or later. To reduce the risk of illness, public health departments and healthcare organizations across the state, including the Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics (ICAAP), are encouraging providers and the public to get a flu shot during Vaccinate Illinois Week.

What can you do to participate in and support Vaccinate Illinois Week?
Strongly Recommend Influenza Vaccine to Staff and All of Your Patients without Contraindications
Click here for strategies you can incorporate into your practice to prevent influenza infections and to download the Provider Flu Checklist.
Participate in ICAAP's
Influenza Webinar - 12.10.13
ICAAP and Vaccinate Illinois Week partners are hosting a webinar on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 from 12:00-1:00pm featuring Dr. Lyn Finelli, Surveillance and Outbreak Response Team Lead, Influenza Division, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Shelle Allen, Families Fighting Flu. The presentation will give providers an update on current influenza activity for the 2013-2014 influenza season and cover the importance of yearly influenza vaccination. Shelle's 12-year-old daughter, Madi, was hospitalized for 93 days with influenza in 2011.Thankfully, Madi survived. Join the webinar to hear her story! Click here for more information and to register for the webinar.
Watch Families Fighting Flu’s New PSA

Families Fighting Flu
has produced a public service announcement featuring 15-year-old, Madison Allen, a 15-year-old flu survivor who was given only a 1% chance to live after being diagnosed with the flu. Click here to watch her story and learn why annual influenza vaccination is so important for everyone six months of age and older.

Help Spread the Word about Vaccinate Illinois Week
Post information about Vaccinate Illinois Week on your practice's website or facebook page. For some key messages you may want to use, click here for sample social media messages or go to
For more information and resources about the flu go to or:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -
Immunization Action Coalition -
EverThrive Illinois -
Illinois Academy of Family Physicians -
Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics -
Families Fighting Flu -

Vaccinate Illinois Week partners include: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, Chicago Department of Public Health, CVS, DuPage County Health Department, EverThrive Illinois, Illinois Academy of Family Physicians, Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, Illinois Department of Public Health, Illinois Public Health Association, Jewel-Osco, Northern Chapter of the Illinois, American College of Physicians, Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium, Telligen, and Walgreens.