Thursday, June 23, 2016

REMINDER: IMPACT Provider Enrollment Revalidations

Provider Notice issued 06/23/16

REMINDER: IMPACT Provider Enrollment Revalidations

To: Participating Medical Assistance Providers
Date: June 23, 2016
Re: REMINDER: IMPACT Provider Enrollment Revalidations

As stated in the March 11, 2016 notice, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services extended the due date for all Medicaid providers’ enrollments to be revalidated to September 24, 2016. Please note that to meet this due date, a provider’s enrollment must be submitted in IMPACT and approved by the State. 
Facility/ Agency/Organizations (FAOs) revalidations must be submitted in IMPACT by June 30, 2016. All other provider enrollments must be submitted in IMPACT by August 31, 2016.
Failure to submit a provider’s enrollment for revalidation and approval will result in disenrollment from Illinois Medicaid on September 25, 2016.  We encourage all Medicaid providers to revalidate as soon as possible to ensure their application is approved by the due date.
More information on the IMPACT system plus frequently asked questions, webinars and other training guides are available at the IMPACT website:
If you have additional questions or need assistance, please contact the IMPACT Help Desk:
  • By email:
  • By phone: (877) 782-5565 Select option #1.

Felicia F. Norwood

Wednesday, June 22, 2016



The 2017 ICAAP Annual Educational Conference will be held on Friday, March 3, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency in Lisle, IL. Join over 100 pediatric health care providers from across the state for a day of excellent educational content and networking. For more information, please visit the conference webpage and check the weekly ICAAPlets updates. Please contact Dru O’Rourke at with any questions.


ICAAP is developing a MOC Part II self-assessment activity Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Asthma. The in-person educational session will be held on Friday, October 7, 2016 at Shriners Hospital for Children in Chicago. Registration will open later this summer. For more information, please contact Dru O’Rourke at


Illinois Department of Public Health
The Illinois Department of Public Health released new guidelines for local health departments on lead testing and follow-up. Additionally, the website includes sections on Lead Abatement/Mitigation Licensure, Education and Trainings, and Surveillance Reports.


Obesity Prevention Initiatives is seeking pediatricians to serve as leaders/coaches for its statewide MOC Part 4 collaborative quality improvement project scheduled for Fall 2016. The leaders will help present a kick-off event and each leader will facilitate one monthly learning collaborative call for five months. The leaders will also participate in the planning and development of the MOC project. An estimated time commitment is 20 hours. Compensation is grant funded. For further information or to express your interest in this leadership role, please contact Mary Elsner at or 312/733-1026, ext 220.



Peoria Journal Star
Sixteen-year-old Sydney Sumer said that whether or not she got a good night's sleep during her stay at the Children's Hospital of Illinois "just depends on what medications I'm on and my pain medication." As any parent would probably confirm, especially those parents whose children who have had extended stays in a hospital, sleep is an important part of feeling better, a concept that some of the nation's forward thinking children's hospitals have begun to embrace.  READ MORE


AAP News
Lead has been poisoning children for centuries and the battle to stop it is far from won. Flint, Michigan, with the poisoned water has gotten attention recently, but many other cities and towns face similar lead problems, both from water and better known sources such as lead paint in older homes and buildings. A policy review published this month in Pediatrics shows how much work there is to do.

Friday, June 10, 2016

JUNE 28 ILHITEC WEBINAR: Modified Stage 2 Final Rule: 2016 Reporting Requirements for EPS

ILHITREC Webinar: 


Modified Stage 2 Final Rule: 2016 Reporting Requirements for Eps


ILHITREC Meaningful Use experts will take a detailed look at the 2016 reporting requirements, and will share information about what the changes mean to providers as you prepare to attest in 2016 and beyond. Please note that 2016 is the last year to join the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program by registering and attesting to either AIU or MU. For more information about ILHITREC, visit

The Webinar will: Provide a helpful overview of Meaningful Use; Outline the 2016 Final Rule requirements; discuss how the changes impact providers.
Presenters: Brenda E. Simms, RN, BSN, CHTS-CP, ILHITREC Clinical Informatics Specialist; Kerri Lanum, MS, ILHITREC Clinical Informatics Specialist; Lauren Wiseman, MSN, RN-BC, Central Illinois Health Information Exchange (CIHIE) Clinical Services Manager