Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Payments issued for 2011 IHC Bonus Program

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) and Automated Health Systems (AHS) are pleased to announce that more than $5.3 million in payments have been issued for the 2011 Illinois Health Connect Bonus Payment for High Performance Program.
All bonus payments were mailed this week to the payee address of each qualifying IHC Primary Care Provider (PCP).

PCPs can access the patient specific detail of their bonus payments via the IHC Provider Portal through the secure HFS MEDI System. A new feature this year is a column that lists the potential payment for each bonus measure, which shows what a PCP could have earned for that measure with a 100 percent score.

The bonus payments for care provided in 2011 were $25 per qualifying patient, per qualifying event. Providers with multiple IHC locations of service were eligible for independent bonuses at each location.

For more information on the IHC Bonus Payment, please call an IHC Quality Assurance Nurse, an IHC Provider Services Representative or the IHC Provider Services Help Desk at 1-877-912-1999, extension 3.