Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Asking questions is the key to great health!

A great team of doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff can create a good medical home. The key to a great medical home is you! A great medical home is based on great communication.

As a patient, you can help get the best possible care by being an active member of your healthcare team. Being involved means being prepared and asking questions.

Before you go to the doctor:

1) Make a list of all your questions and concerns. That way you won’t forget to ask any important questions. Your Primary Care Provider (PCP) at your medical home may not be able to tackle all of your health concerns in one visit. Your PCP should be able to let you know how to make a follow-up appointment.

2) If you have seen any other doctors, such as specialists, had any tests or gone to the Emergency Room, bring all the names, dates, phone numbers and any reports with you to share with your PCP.

3) Make a list of all your medications including dosages. Or better yet, bring all of your pills with you (including those prescribed by other doctors). Your PCP can ensure that you are taking the right medicines and that there are no interactions.
During your visit:

1) Take notes during your visit. If you have a serious medical condition, bring a trusted relative or friend with you to help you listen and take notes.

2) Ask your PCP for any handouts about your medical conditions.

3) Ask your doctor if he/she can recommend some safe Web sites if you plan to do some research at home. A lot of medical information on the web is false so don’t think Google is going to answer all your questions. A good Web site for basic health information is
4) Ask your PCP questions like: What is my diagnosis? What are my treatment options? What are the benefits of each option? What are the side effects?

Will I need a test? What is the test for? What will the results tell me?
What will the medicine you are prescribing do? How do I take it? Are there any side effects?

After your visit:

If you have any remaining questions or your doctor was not able to address all of your medical concerns, make a follow-up appointment. If you are uncertain about how to take your medicines or get a recommended test, call your PCP. All Illinois Health Connect PCPs with must be available 24 hours per day.

Great health starts with a great medical home, and a great medical home starts with great communication. Asking questions until you thoroughly understand your health and your doctor’s recommendations is the key. Check out the AHRQ Web site for more information about doctor-patient communication.