Friday, December 9, 2016

IMPACT Provider Revalidation Termination Actions

December 8, 2016
Participating Medical Assistance Providers
IMPACT Provider Revalidation Termination Actions

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services required all Medicaid providers’ enrollments to be revalidated by September 24, 2016. The Department continues to work with provider associations and all Medicaid agencies to ensure service providers, including waiver providers, are revalidated. Outreach efforts to assist providers will continue.
Effective February 1, 2017, the Department will terminate any Medicaid provider that was enrolled prior to February 1, 2012, and has not revalidated their information through the IMPACT system. Although provider information will remain in IMPACT as “In-Process” for at least 30 days, all claims and encounters submitted by a terminated provider will be rejected. Terminated providers will be required to submit a new Medicaid provider enrollment through IMPACT and the earliest possible begin date will be the date the new enrollment is submitted.
Please ensure that all enrollments for rendering providers, which include all prescribing, referring and ordering providers, have also been revalidated in the IMPACT system. Your business revalidation does not include rendering provider enrollments. Providers may verify which prescribing, referring and ordering providers are approved and associated to their business by logging into their IMPACT application and clicking on the step titled “View Servicing Provider Details.” This information can be viewed in the application or exported to an Excel file.
Please note, no action is necessary if an IMPACT enrollment application is “In Review” status. An application in review status will not be terminated.
For additional information on the IMPACT system including frequently asked questions and other training guides visit the IMPACT website.
Questions regarding this notice can be directed to the IMPACT Help Desk:
·       By email:
·       By phone: (877) 782-5565 Listen for IMPACT option.
Felicia F. Norwood