Wednesday, November 16, 2016

ICAAP: 2016 Presidential Election

Following the election, the AAP and ICAAP remain committed to all children, all families, and all pediatricians and will continue to work to help children and support the health care providers that care for them. Please see the AAP's Blueprint for Children: How the Next President Can Build a Foundation for a Healthy Future to review policy recommendations that would put children and families at the center of policy. The Blueprint was created to provide an administrative and legislative agenda for all children and to guide the US President on issues impacting children's health and well-being, including poverty, education, early childhood development, and building strong communities. The AAP and ICAAP are focused on ensuring that the US is a leading nation for children. Please view AAP President Benard Dreyer’s recent statement for more information and AAP priorities.

Additionally, the AAP provided guidance for pediatricians to provide if parents have asked how to address the negative campaign, the election and results, and the ongoing news stories related to the election and protests. Pediatricians should encourage parents to talk to their children, listen to their questions, and engage in activities that express their values.