Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Starting Strong Webinar-ACA and ABE

Starting Strong for Community Health! Webinar
The ACA and Application for Benefits Eligilibity (ABE)
Thursday, November 21

Learning Objectives:

-Build on the basic information presented in HFS's ABE webinar by walking through enrollment scenarios

-Gain an understanding of how and which ABE enrollees will choose care coordination entities

-Gain an understanding of who should enroll in CountyCare and who should not prior to January 1, 2014

-Gain an understanding of the long term vision for ABE and the Integrated Eligibility System (IES)
Register online 

 Starting Strong Illinois invites you to the latest in a series of webinars on the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Last  month, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services facilitated an introductory ABE webinar which provides an overview of the system  for Community Partners. This webinar is available here.

On November 21, Starting Strong Illinois will host our twentieth webinar, which will provide additional detail about the ABE enrollment process and answer your lingering questions and concerns.

What is Starting Strong Illinois?
Starting Strong Illinois is a collaboration of health policy and advocacy groups working together to promote successful implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Illinois’ foundation community has provided generous support to make webinars and information sharing available to all stakeholders during this momentous time. Members of the Starting Strong Illinois collaborative include: AgeOptions, AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Campaign for Better Health Care, Health & Disability Advocates, Health & Medicine Policy Research Group, EverThrive Illinois, Illinois PIRG Education Fund, and Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law.

The Webinar Facilitators: 
EverThrive Illinois (formerly Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition), Health & Disability Advocates, and the Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law combine their experience and expertise in working with community health providers with the nuts and bolts of state and federal health programs to bring credible, relevant and useful information to Illinois providers.

Recordings of past webinars and materials are available for download from EverThrive Illinois' website

Who Should Participate?
Community-based organizations, advocacy groups, health care organizations, and individuals interested in ACA implementation and concerned about Illinois’ Medicaid program should participate. This webinar will also provide materials and information for staff of community health centers, Federally Qualified Health Centers, free clinics, school based health centers, and others to enable them to help their clients access income, health, educational, and employment supports.

Register now by visiting EverThrive Illinois' website.