Monday, November 12, 2012

Improve your health and avoid Type-2 diabetes

November is American Diabetes Month. Making lifestyle changes is the best way to reduce your risk of developing this chronic disease.

Be active. Exercise more often. Make healthy, nutritious choices when you eat. Limit alcohol use. Quit smoking.

Diabetes is a serious disease. An unhealthy lifestyle can contribute to Type-2 diabetes.

Many people have diabetes and don't know it. This can lead to serious health problems. Some examples are heart attack, stroke, amputation, blindness or kidney failure. A simple blood test can determine if you have diabetes.

Diabetes can be treated. If you are diabetic, talk to your PCP at your medical home. Your PCP will help you manage your disease.

Schedule an annual check-up with your Primary Care Provider (PCP). If you don't know who your PCP is, call Illinois Health Connect at 877-912-1999.