Thursday, November 15, 2012

Adults can get well visits too!

Adults can fall into the bad habit of only going to the doctor when they are sick. But, it is just as important for adults to schedule annual well visits as it is for children to do so.

HFS Medical Card holders can get one well visit per year. If you would like help scheduling this appointment, call Illinois Health Connect at 877-912-1999, extension 2.

An adult well visit allows your primary care provider (PCP) to check your health and catch any problems as early as possible. Your PCP will ask questions about your family health history. You will get advice on healthy living. Your blood pressure and cholesterol will be checked.

During your well visit, talk to your PCP about any medications (and herbs) you take. You should ask questions about any health concerns you have.

If you are due for immunizations (shots), you can get those shots at this visit. Many adults assume that the shots they got as kids will protect them as adults. This may not be the case. Adults often need updated vaccinations.

Some adults did not get all of their shots as kids. Newer vaccines were not available when some adults were children. Immunity can begin to fade over time. Adults become more at risk for serious disease caused by common infections such as the flu. Ask you doctor if you are due for adult vaccines.

Your PCP may also give you other tests and send you to a specialist if needed. For example, some women may be sent for a mammogram (an X-ray of the breasts). Some men may be sent for a prostate exam.