Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Getting a flu shot won't give you the flu

Getting a flu shot won't give you the flu. Flu shots do not have live virus in them. Nasal sprays have weak viruses that can't cause illness.

If you suffer flu symptoms after getting a flu shot, it doesn't mean the shot caused the flu. It can take two weeks after the shot for immunization to build. Prior to that, you can still get sick. It could also be another illness other than flu.

Everyone older than six months old should get a flu shot. It is especially important for those with health conditions such as diabetes and asthma. Children less than five years old and seniors are also at higher risk of the flu.

But even healthy adults and children can get very sick from the flu. You can also protect yourself and others with these tips.

Wash your hands frequently. Cover your cough and sneeze. Stay at home if you are sick.

Talk to your Primary Care Provider at your medical home about getting a flu shot. It is a covered service for all HFS medical card holders. Flu shots are also available from health departments and pharmacies.

It is not too late to get a flu shot. Flu season lasts until May. If you need help finding a provider that offers flu shots, call Illinois Health Connect at 1-877-912-1999. This call is free.