Friday, March 8, 2013

Eating healthy and getting moving can be fun for you and your entire family!

You know it is important to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. But, it may not always seem easy for you and your lifestyle. Well, it can be.

Get in the habit! Eating healthy and getting moving can be fun, exciting, and life changing!

How do you do it?

Every day you should get: 5 servings of fruit or vegetables; 4 servings of water; 3 servings of low-fat dairy; 2 hours or less of screen time (TV or computer); 1 or more hours of dancing, jumping, or just moving.

To get started, set small goals for you and your family each day. Here are some examples.
* Have a day without soda, a day without treats or a day without fast food.
* Have a day when you eat an extra piece of fruit.
* Have a day when you drink two extra glasses of water an extra glass of milk.

As you reach your daily goals, set weekly goals. Here are some examples.
* A week without soda, treats or fast food.
* Get moving three times per week.
* Try a new healthy recipe for one of your meals, and have everyone work together to prepare it.

Keep it going! Once you reach your daily and weekly goals, set monthly goals. Reaching goals over time makes healthy habits easy, fun and part of your everyday living. When everybody in your household is excited to do it, it makes it fun for the whole family!

The sooner you start, the sooner you will be on the road to a healthy, happy, active life. Talk to your Illinois Health Connect Primary Care Provider (PCP) at your medical home for more ideas on how to set healthy habits for you and your family.

Source: Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children.